Large, multi-divisional enterprises are among the most complex organizational structures in existence today. This is often the case due to the natural evolution of the organization as the enterprise grows. That is, a “zero-based” organization structure evaluation exercise is rarely done and the result is an enterprise that has too many heads in certain areas and not enough in others. Typically there is an optimal headcount to complete the necessary tasks that a corporate office normally handles, but there are multiple operating entity management models from which top choose to operate the discreet operating units, depending on the operating philosophy of the parent company.
Frisby Advisory Services LLC can provide an independent analysis of the operating model in place and offer suggestions to senior management ranging from subtle shifts to radical change. Jeff Frisby has extensive experience in this area, having managed a multi-national, multi-divisional enterprise consisting of 47 separate P&Ls and over 70 locations worldwide. There are many facets to consider when trying to optimize the present “landscape” with an eye towards the future. Beyond the necessary evaluation of the adequacy of the corporate vision and determining the role of the corporate office in the enterprise, decisions regarding standardization vs. centralization, how to effectively share best practices across semi-autonomous divisions, how to properly leverage the breadth of the enterprise throughout the value chain and how to ensure organizational development guarantees a robust pipeline of qualified internal successors need to be addressed.
JWhether management is in the process of evaluating future organizational structure or is in the middle of a swirling eddy of problems that seem to have no end, Frisby Advisory Services LLC can supply valuable insight to help see your organization through. Jeff has many years of experience in handling these matters and stands ready to help companies “Reinvent the Art of the Possible”.