There are few things as rewarding as successfully operating a small business. The ability to control one’s own destiny, to develop a unique vision of a company’s future and to manage in a very “hands-on” way are all benefits enjoyed by owners and leaders of small businesses. That said, small businesses have a unique set of challenges that confront them on a daily basis. Growth may be constrained by limited access to capital, by limited access to targeted global customers or by an inadequate set of strategies designed to align company initiatives with it’s vision.
Jeff Frisby, CEO of Frisby Advisory Services LLC can assist the small business owner or leader by providing an independent set of eyes that has experienced both the good times as well as the bad in a small business. Since the best way forward in any business is to (in the words of Stephen Covey) “begin with the end in mind”, Frisby can help develop or update a compelling vision for the company. Once the vision is created, strategies in the areas of business development, employee engagement, operational excellence and community involvement can be laid out.
A two-time Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year regional winner, Frisby has the experience and the perspective to help you “Reinvent the Art of the Possible!”.